Kentucky Winter Wheat Production Forecast Up 32 Percent from 2018
National Agricultural Statistics Service
LOUISVILLE (June 12, 2019) — Kentucky farmers expect to harvest 26.2 million bushels of winter wheat during 2019 according to the Kentucky field office of USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. The expected crop for 2019 would be up 32 percent from the previous year. The forecast was based on crop conditions as of June 1 and increased 3 percent from the May forecast. Growers expect a yield of 77.0 bushels per acre, up 11.0 bushels from 2018 and up 2.0 bushels from May. Farmers seeded 450,000 acres last fall with 340,000 acres to be harvested for grain. Acres for other uses totaled 110,000 acres and will be used as cover crop for tobacco or cut as silage or hay.
As of June 1, the winter wheat in the state was rated mostly good to excellent.
Winter wheat production for the nation was forecast at 1.27 billion bushels, up slightly from the May 1 forecast and up 8 percent from 2018. Based on June 1 conditions, the United States yield is forecast at 50.5 bushels per acre, up 0.2 bushels from last month and up 2.6 bushels from last year. The expected area to be harvested for grain or seed totals 25.2 million acres, up 2 percent from last year.