KDA begins online testing for pesticide application licensing
New option allows for on demand, timely testing
FRANKFORT, KY. (April 9, 2024) - The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) is now offering an online option for its pesticide application licensure program, Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell has announced.
“With today’s hectic schedule, allowing consumers an option to take a pesticides licensing test online instead of in person creates another pathway for people seeking a license,” Commissioner Shell said. “We are excited to offer this for the first time and are confident it will be well received by those needing another option, besides our traditional in-person format.”
KDA, which administers nearly 4,600 tests annually, is creating the online format through a partnership with Everblue Training Institute, an accredited national training software provider that manages testing programs in multiple states. Everblue’s exam system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This allows KDA to offer testing on a candidate’s schedule and represents a shift in how KDA will conduct this license program.
“By harnessing the power of innovative technology, Everblue and KDA aim to make government services more efficient, responsive, and ultimately more helpful to the citizens they serve,” said Lucas Yanetsko, Everblue project manager. “Modernizing government services is not just about embracing technology; it's about revolutionizing the way citizens interact with their institutions.”
Testing in a dozen application categories is now available. Potential license holders can register for a test through the Environmental Services Division’s portal. Individuals seeking to apply pesticide commercially or as a requirement of employment (non-commercial) in Kentucky are required to be licensed.
Candidates who take the test online will immediately know their scores. Immediate results are provisional and not final until the exam has been proctored and submitted to KDA. Candidates will be notified of their official scores by email from the KDA when the results are final. This may take up to five days.
In-person testing will continue to be conducted, but the number of locations and the number of available dates will decrease.
Some technological conditions are required, and online tests cannot be taken via cell phone. The Environmental Services Division has a list of requirements and other need-to-know-items for online testing at: https://www.kyagr.com/consumer/pesticide-training-and-testing.html.
Individuals with questions, can contact the KDA’s Environmental Services Division at (502)573-0282 or visit KDA’s website’s training and testing page: https://www.kyagr.com/consumer/pesticide-training-and-testing.html.