New Kentucky Proud website helps consumers find Kentucky farm products
Promotional campaign video focuses on Kentucky farms throughout the year
FRANKFORT (June 19, 2023) – Kentucky Proud, the official agricultural marketing brand of Kentucky, has launched a new website and an easier way for consumers to find a wide range of products with roots in Kentucky soil for the whole family to enjoy.
“Kentucky has so much to offer and at the Department of Agriculture we are the biggest fan of Kentucky producers,” Commissioner of Agriculture, Dr. Ryan Quarles said. “Our goal is to showcase our farms and farm families and all the wonderful products created by them, while at the same time enhancing the consumers’ ability to find all of the fantastic products the commonwealth has to offer.”
The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) introduced the Kentucky Proud concept in 2002. Initially named Kentucky Fresh, KDA set out to create a central platform to raise awareness of Kentucky’s ever-expanding agricultural efforts by promoting farmers, farm families, and farm impact products. Now more than 20 years later, the Kentucky Proud brand is recognized across the commonwealth.
The completely new website, kyproud.com, brings that statewide recognition to new light, allowing consumers to easily search for Kentucky farm products with a newly implemented product locator. Consumers can search for members by business and product categories or by a list of specific products. A variety of filter and sort options provides consumers with additional ways to tailor their searches and locate a wide range of local businesses and products. The new site also integrates seasonal promotions, information about the Kentucky Proud program, and agriculture throughout the commonwealth.
For Kentucky Proud business members, the new website also offers some added updates. Member businesses can login to a newly developed member portal to view and update their membership, as well as access available grant applications and additional member benefits. Kentucky Proud has more than 6,600 members across the commonwealth, including at least one business in all of Kentucky’s 120 counties.
In an effort to promote the new website, Kentucky Proud has launched a media campaign, along with creating a video showcasing the hard work farmers do year-round to provide the best local products for consumers. Filmed over the course of an entire year, the video features working farm locations across Kentucky through all four seasons, complete with original music, “Kentucky With You,” from Louisville musician, Brigid Kaelin.
To view the new website and see all Kentucky Proud farmers and farm families have to offer, visit kyproud.com.
Those interested in becoming Kentucky Proud members, can learn more and complete an application here: https://kyproud.com/about-membership. Membership is open to all the state’s farms and businesses that produce and sell Kentucky agriculture products.