Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles speaks with dozens of city officials at a food packing event in Lexington on Sept. 21. The city officials, who were in Lexington for the 2023 Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) Conference and Expo, took time to pack food boxes for God’s Pantry, Fayette County Pantry. KLC has partnered with Commissioner Quarles and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Hunger Initiative to host a food packing event over the course of Quarles’ two terms in office. (Photo Submitted)
Food packing event to help food insecure
Kentucky League of Cities partners with Commissioner Quarles to aid KDA's Hunger Initiative
LEXINGTON (Sept. 21, 2023) - Dozens of city officials assembled food boxes for the God’s Pantry Fayette County Pantry Program as part of the 2023 KLC Conference & Expo at the Central Bank Center in Lexington. The Kentucky League of Cities has partnered with Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Hunger Initiative to host a food packing event over the course of his two terms in office.
Commissioner Quarles thanked city officials for volunteering and stressed that food insecurity reaches every corner of the state. ““Hunger isn’t something that takes a break. Every day in every city, county, and community in Kentucky there are families facing food insecurity. With one in eight people, including one in seven children, facing hunger throughout our state, it’s obviously still a part of our community. Making sure every Kentuckian has access to quality food is important to reaching the ultimate goal of zero food insecurity. Events like this bring that reality to light as we continue the fight to end food insecurity.”
“It has been a pleasure partnering with Commissioner Quarles and his Department of Agriculture which has so deeply connected with city officials over the past years as Commissioner,” KLC Executive Director/CEO James D. Chaney said. “If you are not aware of hunger in your community you’re not looking hard enough, it affects every single area of our state. City officials look forward to donating their time every year to give back to the community that so graciously hosts our annual convention.”
The Fayette County Pantry Program is part of God’s Pantry Food Bank 50 county service area, serving central and eastern Kentucky. The Food Bank operates four pantries in Fayette County, five days a week, year-round and averages 2,633 visits per month.
“We are grateful for the dedication and commitment shown by the city officials who assembled food boxes for the Fayette County Pantry Program,” said Michael Halligan, CEO of God’s Pantry Food Bank. “We thank Commissioner Quarles, the Kentucky League of Cities, and our dedicated city officials who are all reducing hunger by working together to feed Kentucky communities."
Each food box assembled on Thursday contains basic staples and are distributed from the St. Luke and Central Pantries. Also provided (when available) for the family is fresh produce, milk, eggs, and meat.