Kentucky Agricultural Development Board approves more than $4 million for projects across the commonwealth
Funded projects focus on agricultural diversification, rural development
FRANKFORT (June 17, 2022) - The Kentucky Agricultural Development Board approved $4,012,843 for agricultural diversification and rural development projects across the commonwealth at its monthly board meeting.
State and County Funded Projects
- Daviess County Conservation District was approved for $20,000 in Daviess County funds to run a Youth Agricultural Production cost-share program. For more information, contact Katelyn Cavitt at Katelyn.Cavitt@ky.nacdnet.net.
- Daviess County 4-H was approved for $1,036 in Daviess County funds to purchase livestock-based learning lab materials for youth livestock clubs. For more information, contact Stacey Potts at stacey.potts@uky.edu.
- Ed Mar Farms, LLC was approved for up to $85,446 in county funds to relocate and expand farm infrastructure for an agritourism event barn. For more information, contact Edward Gibson at edmardairy@gmail.com.
- Goldy's Custom Meats was approved for $1,129 in state funds as a forgivable loan and up to $10,000 in multi-county funds to purchase refrigeration equipment for a hanging cooler at the processing facility in Crittenden County. For more information, contact Edith Harris at edith.harris@ky.nacdnet.net.
- Grayson County Farm Bureau was approved for $5,000 in Grayson County funds to purchase grain bin rescue equipment. For more information, contact Whitney Carman at whitney.carman@uky.edu.
- Green River Meats was approved for $250,000 in state funds as a forgivable loan, any county funds approved as a cost-reimbursement grant, to build a USDA custom meat processing facility in Greensburg. For more information, contact Tim Jeffries at timothyljeffries@gmail.com.
- Jessamine County FFA Alumni Association was approved for $8,000 in Jessamine County funds to provide cost-share assistance on SAE and 4-H projects. For more information, contact Carl Waits at carl.waits@twc.com.
- Kentucky Association of Meat Processors was approved $95,940 in state funds to hire staff to build a foundation for the organization and expand outreach to grow the association membership. For more information, contact Allison Porteus at allison@boonesbutchershop.com.
- Meade County Fair was approved for $27,000 in Meade County funds to construct a new multi-species covered wash rack for livestock shows. For more information, contact David Pace at dpace@mcrecc.com.
- Trackside Butcher Shoppe was approved for up to $25,000 in state funds and matching $25,000 in multi-county funds to expand its carcass hanging/aging cooler. For more information, contact John Edwards at office@tracksidebutchershoppe.com.
- Twin Lakes Veterinary Services was approved for $9,500 in Wayne County funds to construct haul-in large animal servicing facilities. For more information, contact Kaidy Sullivan at twinlakesvet21@gmail.com.
On-Farm Energy Efficiency Incentives Program
The On-Farm Energy Efficiency Incentives Program provides incentives for Kentucky farm families to increase the energy efficiency of existing equipment or facilities on the farm.
Nine On-Farm Energy grants were approved by the board totaling $82,958:
- Breckinridge ($9,268)
- Christian ($10,150)
- LaRue ($10,150)
- Laurel ($10,150)
- Muhlenberg ($10,150)
- Ohio ($10,150)
- Ohio ($10,150)
- Pulaski ($2,640)
- Webster ($10,150)
On-Farm Water Program
On-Farm Water Management Program (OFWM) provides incentives for Land-Grant and Regional Universities, Non-Profits and Kentucky farm families to financially incentivize better water management practices across the commonwealth. Applicants may apply in one of three areas: Research, Development and Demonstration (RDD), Producer Implemented Project (PIP), or Small Scale Grant (SSG).
One OFWM SSG grant was approved by the board totaling $5,110:
- Breckinridge ($5,110)
County Agricultural Investment Program (CAIP)
CAIP provides Kentucky agricultural producers with cost-share assistance on practices to allow them to improve and diversify their current farm operations. CAIP covers a wide variety of agricultural enterprises in its 11 investment areas, including, but not limited to, bees and honey; equine; forage; beef and dairy cattle; goats and sheep; horticulture; poultry; swine; timber and technology, as well as energy efficiency and production; farm infrastructure and water enhancement; marketing; and value-added production.
Eighteen CAIPs were approved by the board totaling $3,290,024:
- Adair ($190,000)
- Allen ($197,947)
- Boyle ($163,000)
- Breathitt ($100,000)
- Carter ($145,000)
- Christian ($203,000)
- Grant ($260,000)
- Jackson ($524,863)
- Kenton ($75,000)
- Knox ($108,198)
- LaRue ($125,000)
- Lee ($40,000)*
- Lincoln ($400,000)
- Nicholas ($294,113)
- Owsley ($122,500)*
- Pendleton ($210,903)
- Washington ($127,500)*
- Whitley ($3,000)*
Deceased Farm Animal Removal (DAR)
The Deceased Farm Animal Removal Program serves as a measure to facilitate the coordination of environmentally-sound and cost-effective disposal of deceased livestock for Kentucky producers.
- Boyle ($15,000)
- Lincoln ($15,000)
- Washington ($11,700)
Three DAR programs were approved by the board totaling $41,700:
Youth Agricultural Incentives Program (YAIP)
YAIP encourages youth to engage in and explore agricultural opportunities.
Three YAIP programs were approved by the board totaling $40,000:
- Breathitt ($6,000)
- Nicholas ($24,000)
- Washington ($10,000)*
All application periods and deadlines for CAIP and YAIP will be advertised locally.
*Existing programs receiving additional funding.