Today, Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles signed a proclamation celebrating February as Kentucky Lamb Month. Quarles, seated at the table, was joined by sheep and lamb producers, representatives from The Kentucky Castle, the Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association, American Lamb Board, and the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office, the Southeast Kentucky Sheep Producers Association, Freedom Run Farm, and Kentucky Farm Bureau. For more images of the Kentucky Lamb Month event, click here. (Kentucky Department of Agriculture).
Commissioner Quarles celebrates February as Lamb Month in Kentucky
Celebrate the diversity sheep, lamb offer
FRANKFORT (Feb. 28, 2022) - Kentucky sheep and lamb producers joined Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Ryan Quarles today to commemorate February as Lamb Month in Kentucky.
“Packed with protein, lamb is the perfect lean meat for the dinner table,” Commissioner Quarles said. “But they provide more than meat, sheep are an excellent source of milk and fiber as well. This month we salute the value sheep and lamb add to our state’s agricultural diversity.”
More than 5.2 million sheep are raised by roughly 80,000 farmers and ranchers across the United States. Kentucky, which ranks 26th nationally for sheep inventory, is home to an ever increasing number of sheep and lamb. Market lambs and sheep showed an increase for 2022, up 7.7 percent with 14,000 head compared to 13,000 in 2021.
“With over 12 million acres of agriculture land in Kentucky, the commonwealth is home to 62,000 head of sheep and more than 4,000 sheep producers who are dedicated to producing high quality products for consumers,” said Richard Popham, a sheep producer out of Brandenburg and president of the Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association. “We are excited to showcase lamb in Kentucky during the month of February and hope more people learn of its benefits and impact in our state.”
Kentucky has a strong tradition of sheep production in the U.S. with the number of head reaching as high as over a million in the mid to late to 1940s. Kentucky’s sheep industry’s numbers declined in the last 40 years, but with the help of the Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association and the American Sheep Industry Association, those numbers are on the rebound. Sheep numbers experienced a 51 percent increase over the past five years.
The Kentucky sheep industry adds over $7 million in revenue to Kentucky’s agriculture receipts. With solid markets and growing grazing opportunities in the state, this industry is expected to keep growing into the future.
February serves as a reminder of the great versatility and value of sheep and lamb. In addition to it being a source of protein, zinc, selenium and B vitamin, it’s also a good source of iron and riboflavin. Numerous products and byproducts also come from sheep, including milk, fiber for wool, and lanolin, a natural moisturizer. Across the world, farmers also use sheep to combat noxious weeds on their property, promote healthy forests, and prevent wildfires.
To celebrate Lamb Month, purchase lamb from your local grocery store, specialty shop, farmers' market, or butcher shop. The Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office offers information on its website with tips cooking the lean meat. The website also offers a buyer's guide for lamb at: https://www.kysheepandgoat.org/on-your-plate.