Agriculture Commissioner reappoints members to serve on agricultural boards
Members named to KAFC, KADB
FRANKFORT (July 14, 2022) - Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Ryan Quarles announced the reappointment of three board members to the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board (KADB) and the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation (KAFC).
Wayne Hunt from Hopkinsville and Robert Foree from Eminence were reappointed to the KADB, with a term expiration of July 2026. Jonathan Noe from Lancaster was reappointed to the KAFC, with a term expiration of June 2026.
“I’m grateful that these servant leaders will continue to support our agriculture communities,” Commissioner Quarles said. “They tirelessly represent their disciplines as they support our producers and farm families throughout the commonwealth.”
As a board member of KAFC, Noe represents farm credit association officers. As members of KADB, Hunt represents active farmers, while Foree represents attorneys with farm experience and familiarity with agriculture policy.
The Kentucky Agricultural Development Board meets the third Friday of the month to review and fund grants applying for county and state Agricultural Development Funds.
TheKentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation was created by statute in 1984. In 2002, the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board, as part of the Long-term Plan for Agriculture Development, recommended KAFC be restructured to provide capital access for agricultural diversification and infrastructure projects.
The KAFC meets monthly to review and approve loan applications.