Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell, back row center, joined Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman, to his right, and Commissioner of Education Robbie Fletcher, to his left, in a bipartisan announcement of the first statewide Agriculture Education Week in Kentucky, which will take place March 17-21. Students and staff from Second Street School in Frankfort and Creekside Elementary School in Sonora participated in the announcement and displayed agricultural exhibits in the Capitol Rotunda.
Lieutenant Governor, Commissioners of Agriculture and Education announce Agriculture Education Week
Inaugural event provides resources, lesson plans to all elementary school teachers
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Feb. 5, 2025) – In a bipartisan announcement, Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman, Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell and Commissioner of Education Robbie Fletcher announced that March 17-21, 2025, will be the first statewide Agriculture Education Week in Kentucky. Gov. Andy Beshear will sign a proclamation that week to officially mark this historic event.
“In today’s political climate, it’s not often you see a Democratic Lt. Governor, a Republican Agriculture Commissioner and the head of an independent entity like the Department of Education come together for this important cause,” Lt. Gov. Coleman said. “We have found common ground in our shared value of providing our children with opportunities that will allow all Kentuckians to thrive for generations to come. We do that by bringing two of the most important sectors - agriculture and education - together in a way that’s never been done before.”
Agriculture Education Week delivers an all-encompassing learning experience for students, equips educators with ready-to-use lessons and fosters community involvement to create hands-on learning opportunities on the diverse world of agriculture for students.
“Ag Education Week is about more than just teaching kids where their food comes from. It’s about showing them the opportunities agriculture offers and inspiring them to be a part of its future," Commissioner Shell said. “Agriculture touches every aspect of our lives - from the clothes we wear to the fuel that powers our communities. By engaging students early, we’re not only fostering appreciation but also preparing the next generation of farmers, scientists, business leaders and innovators who will keep Kentucky agriculture strong. Investing in education today ensures a thriving sustainable industry for tomorrow.”
Agriculture has a nearly $50 billion impact on Kentucky. There are nearly 70,000 farms in Kentucky (7th most in the United States) that compose more than 12.4 million acres of land, making up nearly 50 percent of Kentucky’s total acreage. Kentucky is the top beef-producing state east of the Mississippi River, and 95 percent of the world’s bourbon is produced in the commonwealth.
“During Ag Education Week, every elementary student throughout the commonwealth will be engaged in learning more about agriculture,” Commissioner Fletcher said. “Kentucky’s K-2 students will be learning about pollination through an agricultural lens, and our students in grades 3-5 will be learning about erosion. These lessons are aligned to Kentucky’s science standards while also connecting to reading, writing and math."
“While our students are learning about science and agriculture, they’ll also have the opportunity to explore the many professions that are related to agriculture in Kentucky. Students will be able to see videos of the many people who are connected to the state’s agriculture industry - from a large animal vet to an auctioneer to a sheep shearer. They all tell their stories about what a day in the life looks like for them. This is a great opportunity for our students and our state.”
The key initiatives of Ag Education Week are broadening access to ag education to help students understand where their food, fuel and fiber come from; support for teachers by providing accessible and easy-to-use lesson plans and resources; and connecting agriculture to real life-skills by teaching about nutrition, sustainability and how agriculture intersects with nearly every career field in Kentucky.
For more information on Agriculture Education Week, the history and diversity of Kentucky agriculture lesson plans and resources, and to learn how you can get involved in this initiative, visit https://www.kyagr.com/marketing/ag-education-week.html.
For more images from the event, click here.