Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell and Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman visited with students at Old Kentucky Home Middle School in Bardstown Monday during Kentucky's first Agriculture in Education Week. During Agriculture Education Week students are introduced to a wide variety of careers and pathways within the agriculture sector. The week continues through March 21.
Ag Education Week brings the agriculture experience to the classroom
Kentucky's first 'All in for Ag Education' Week kicked off Monday
FRANKFORT, Ky. (March 18, 2025) – A statewide focus on agriculture education and the diverse world of agriculture kicked off this week with Kentucky’s first Agriculture Education Week March 17-21. The initiative, created by Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell, Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman, and Education Commissioner Robbie Fletcher, introduces students to the wide variety of careers and pathways agriculture has to offer.
“We all know agriculture means farmers,” Commissioner Shell said. “But it’s so much more. This week is about teaching kids where their food comes from. It’s about showing them the opportunities agriculture offers and inspiring them to be a part of its future.”
Agriculture has a nearly $50 billion impact on Kentucky. There are nearly 70,000 farms in Kentucky (seventh most in the United States) that compose more than 12.4 million acres of land, making up nearly 50 percent of Kentucky’s total acreage.
The “All in For Ag Education” week is designed to foster appreciation for agriculture and agricultural related fields by engaging students at an early age. Broadening access to ag education helps students understand at an earlier age where their food, fuel, and fiber come from.
“Creating that interest in agriculture prepares the next generation of farmers, scientists, business leaders and innovators who will keep Kentucky agriculture strong,” Commissioner Shell said. “Investing in education today ensures a thriving sustainable industry for tomorrow.”
The material created for the specialized week equips educators with ready-to-use lesson plans that align with state education standards and fosters community involvement to create hands-on learning opportunities about the diverse world of agriculture for students. From lesson plans, to field trips, to an all-agriculture expert panel, resources were prepared for all students in mind from kindergarten through 12th grade.
“I am excited to kick off the inaugural Agriculture Education Week in Kentucky. Commissioner Shell, Commissioner Fletcher and I have found common ground in our shared value of creating opportunities for our children that will allow all Kentuckians to thrive for generations to come,” Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman said. “We are doing that by bringing together agriculture and education in a way it’s never been done before.”
Connecting agriculture to real life-skills by teaching nutrition, sustainability, and how agriculture intersects with nearly every career field enhances students’ understanding about the importance and vast variety of agriculture fields.
“This week is a great opportunity for Kentucky’s students to experience vibrant, meaningful lessons about how agriculture impacts all of us,” Commissioner of Education Robbie Fletcher said. “At the Kentucky Department of Education, we have been excited to work with other state leaders to offer our students this chance to explore such a vital part of life in the Commonwealth. I look forward to seeing this week grow and see what kind of impact it can have on Kentucky’s next generation of farmers.”
For more information on Agriculture Education Week, the history and diversity of Kentucky agriculture lesson plans and resources, and to learn how you can get involved in this initiative, visit kyagr.com/AgEdWeek.