Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell announced KDA's partnership with Special Olympics Kentucky to raise awareness for the Sunshine Class, enabling special needs youth to show livestock. Pictured: Kaylee Campbell with Skeeter the lamb, Miss Kentucky Chapel Tinius, KDA intern and Sunshine Class mentor Caroline Groth, Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell, and Kentucky State Fair Board member Joe Goggin.
KDA joins forces with Special Olympics Kentucky to raise awareness about Sunshine Class
FRANKFORT, Ky. (July 11, 2024) – The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) is partnering with Special Olympics Kentucky to raise awareness for the Sunshine Class at the Kentucky State Fair.
The Sunshine Class, now in its third year, offers an opportunity for special needs youth to get hands-on experience with parts of the agriculture industry by showing livestock in a show ring.
“This is an opportunity for special needs youth to have the same opportunity as other youth to get in the livestock ring and work with an animal,” Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell said. “The event has been around for a couple of years, but we really want to grow it. We would love for more individuals to have that connection with the agriculture industry and really light up the ring with their presence.”
Warren Beeler, KDA Deputy Agriculture Commissioner, helped bring the idea of the Sunshine Class to the Kentucky State Fair.
“The class gives an opportunity for special needs kids to be really special,” Beeler said. “It is an amazing event.”
Each special needs youth works with a mentor to exhibit the animal in the show ring. Most often lambs are used during the event because of their gentle nature, their ability to be led by a halter, and their size. The amount of handling done by the exhibitor is based on their ability and comfort level.
“Many people are afraid that participants may be intimidated, but no matter their level of mobility, they will be able to compete. We can do whatever is necessary to get them in the ring,” Beeler said.
In an effort to increase participation and reach a broader audience, KDA is partnering with Special Olympics Kentucky this year.
“We are excited to be working with Commissioner Shell and the Department of Agriculture in supporting the Sunshine Class,” said Trish Mazzoni, Special Olympics Kentucky President/CEO. “While our Special Olympics athletes excel on the playing field every day, the Sunshine Class will provide another opportunity for the athletes to showcase their abilities and excel in another arena.”
At the end of the show, each participant is awarded a purple championship banner.
“Everybody gets a banner. They are all winners,” Beeler said. “We want this thing to be bigger than it’s ever been before. Once you’ve seen it, you’ll come again. You can’t sit through the Sunshine Class and not smile all over yourself.”
This year’s class will be Aug. 22 during the Kentucky State Fair at Broadbent Arena at the Louisville Expo Center. The event is free to watch with admission to the Fair.
To find out more about the class or register, please visit: https://www.kyagr.com/sunshine/
For more information or questions about the Sunshine Class, contact Kaitlin Fouts at Kaitlin.Fouts@ky.gov or (502) 782-7813.
For more pictures from Thursday's announcement click here. (Kentucky Department of Agriculture)