Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell, seated, signed a proclamation Monday recognizing Aug. 4-10 as Farmers' Market Week in Kentucky. Market vendors joined Commissioner Shell at the signing, which took place a pop-up farmers' market at ARH (Appalachian Regional Healthcare) Regional Medical Center in Hazard, Ky.
Agriculture Commissioner invites you to celebrate Kentucky Farmers’ Markets Week, Aug. 4-10
Farmers’ Markets create access to delicious, nutritious fresh foods for public
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Aug. 6, 2024) – Kentucky farm families are being celebrated this week as Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell invites Kentuckians to enjoy Kentucky Farmers’ Markets Week and the nutritious and delicious fresh farm products found there.
“Farmers’ markets remain a vital resource to get farm fresh foods directly to our Kentucky consumers,” Commissioner Shell said. “We know that access to nutritious food is critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle and Farmers’ markets provide the freshest and healthiest foods direct from Kentucky’s farms. If you haven’t made it out to a Kentucky Proud® farmers’ market near you, this is your invitation to stop by and see what your agriculture neighbors have to share.”
This year’s Farmers’ Markets Week, Aug. 4-10, salutes the 178 farmers’ markets in 114 Kentucky counties. In those 178 markets, more than 3,000 vendors offer products for sale.
Kentucky farmers’ markets not only bring consumers the freshest foods available, but also connect the consumer with the farmers who grow and raise their food. Farm-fresh produce, meats, eggs, flowers, value-added products and much more are available at Kentucky Proud farmers’ markets across the Commonwealth.
This year, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and Commissioner Shell joined forces with the Kentucky Hospital Association to develop a “Food is Medicine” campaign focusing on the power of food and its connection to healthier living. The collaboration recognizes that high-quality nourishment is essential for well-being. Richer nourishment can result in healthier lifestyles, improved health, and long-term positive results for individuals and communities.
Creating consistent access to healthy food is another critical component. With nutritious farm-fresh food not always available for families, especially those who live in a more urban environment, farmers’ markets help bridge that gap.
This valuable resource of farm fresh foods has created a continued popularity for farmers’ markets over the years. Since 1994, the number of farmers’ markets in the U.S. has increased from 2,000 to more than 8,600. The number of farmers’ markets in Kentucky has also increased during that time from 43 in 1993 to 178 this year.
Supporting local businesses creates jobs in our Kentucky communities. With reported sales across Kentucky of more than $15 million last year, farmers’ markets are an economic engine that celebrates the state’s agricultural roots and brings the farm to Kentucky’s consumers. For every dollar of nutrition incentives spent on farm direct purchases, such as at a farmers’ market, it is estimated to result in a contribution of up to $3 to the U.S. economy.
To find a farmers’ market near you, visit kyproud.com/farmers-markets/.
For more images of the event, click here.