Need help building your Free Web Page
What is the KDA Web Page builder?The Free Web Page Builder is an easy, step-by-step way to make a simple web page for your company or farm. You may update your information at any time, just remember to re-submit your changes. After re-submitting to KDA for approval, your page is automatically updated with your new information.
How to locate your pageOnce your web page has been approved by KDA, you may find your web page in the Ag Business Directory located at http://www.kyagr.com/agbus/ky-ag-businesses.aspx. Scroll down to find the category your company or farm name is listed under or use our robust search feature to find your business by name, county or products.
If you need to change or update any information at any time, use the Ag Businesses Directory and Free Web Page Builder to make changes. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Below is the information you will want to provide for your Free Web Page.
- Name: ABD
- Addtl Phone: “List any additional phone number here.”
- Main: Free Web Page
Enter the name of your company, farm, business or store. This is how your site will be alphabetically organized in the Ag Business Directory.
Example: Joanne Smith's Family Farm
Required? YES
List the address where your receive your business mail.
Example: Box 245, Route 1 or 333 Winding Hill Lane
Required? NO
List your main business phone number here. There are two other locations on the form for additional phone numbers and faxes.
Example: (502) 111-1111
Required? NO
List an additional business telephone number here. You can also list a pager number, answering service, or your home phone number.
Example: (502) 111-1111
Required? NO
If you would like to be contacted via email, then type in your business or personal email address here.
Example: johndoe@doefarms.com
Required? NO
Enter the name of the person that customers can talk to for information about your products, business, and the information found on your KDA web page.
Example: John Doe or Jane Doe
Required? NO
If you already have a company website and would like to have the link available with your contact information, then type in the entire URL. See example below.
Example: http://www.doefarms.com
Required? NO
This is the title of your web page. It does not have to be your official company name. It can be an extension of your business's name or a title that describes your product line or business.
Example: Doe Farms On-Line Produce
Required? YES
List your products here. It is important to separate your items with commas.
Example: Raspberry wine, Aunt June's Original Apple Cider, jams, and jellies.
Required? YES
This is a subtitle that will be below your web page title.
Example: Fresh produce from our farm to your door.
Required? NO
You will have an opportunity to write three paragraphs about your business. The Basic Company Info box is for the first paragraph, and the other two Company Info boxes each represent a paragraph.
This section gives you the opportunity to describe your business, product quality, or location. Think of it as a brief brochure about your business.
Example: Doe Farms has been growing quality produce for four generations.
Required? NO
This is a small box located at the top of your web page. Enter weekly specials, announce new products or seasonal items! You can log in anytime and update your "News Flash".
Example: Ready to Pick this Week!
Granny Smith Apples & Watermelons
Required? NO
Enter the directions customers should follow to visit your business or farm. You can be descriptive or just list your address.
Example: It's easy to reach us! From Louisville head north on...
Required? NO.
Enter the hours of your business. Be sure and mention if you have seasonal hours, or are only open on certain days, or by appointment only. You can log on and update your hours at any time.
Example: Open by special appt. only.
Required? NO.
You have three places to enter the names of businesses or locations where your products are sold. This is the first entry. If possible, list the street address and phone number of the business.
Example: Woodford Farmer's Market
Main Street
Versailles, KY 40508
(606) 111-1111
Required? NO